Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

As I'm currently working for a fitness company, I get to attend free yoga classes. So I've tried few types of different yoga namely Sun saturation yoga, gentle yoga and Bikram Hot yoga and I have to admit that the last one was the one I enjoyed most. Heated in a room up til 40 Celsius, I'm already sweating profusely like a pig before the class has even begun! But I would somehow feel amazingly different after the class although I might get a little dizzy turning and twisting my body in the hot room. Well, the dizziness has lessen on the following classes which I think due to my body has gradually get used to the humid environment. Thumbs up to Bikram Hot Yoga *beams*

And I've watched New Moon. Ahhh. Carlisle can really make me swoon. *o*

p.s : Stubborn I may be, but I would not apologize for something which I think I'm right for, especially when my offence here is for speaking the truth. So there.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Changing of my blog song

Due to frequent complaints that my blog is always very bising, I've decided to take the initiative to change my previous blog song. tsk. Well, to my beloved friends and cousins who are unaware of it, that ex-song is actually my favourite song from one of my favourite anime, Bleach. But, doesn't matter now, I've gotten quite bored of it already. So, tada! A new song now. Jay Chou's fan would be pleased, and scanning through my friends list, there are definitely more Jay fans than Bleach fans. Enjoy :))

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My day in KL

It had been a busy busy day for me.

Went back to VI with XinLi to collect our STPM certs. *beams* Walked to Petaling Street after that and I can't help reminiscing the time where we always need to walk there for tuition after school hours; rain or shine. If we're lucky it would be a hot day and we would be reaching Kolej Bandar stinking with sweat; and if unlucky, we would be all drenched with sweat, raindrops, the mud-water from the numerous potholes along the way and not forgetting water splashed by cars passing by. How did I live through that kind of lifestyle for 1.5 years? Thinking back, I'm kinda amazed now.

Since it's still so early, we just sat down at the stuffy McD where we chat and chat away. The best part of the day. :) There's just so much of catching up to do with this curry woman before her leaving to Kampar for her studies. Another good friend leaving the town. Tsk. Nevertheless, Good luck in that gal. Keep pursuing your dream! I have every ounce of faith in you! :)

And I've just started working today as a telemarketer for True Fitness. The job is fairly good. My trainer is very helpful and has helped me and guided me alot. And it's really a small world as this trainer of mine is my friend's friend's mom. Not to mention some of her friends are teachers from both SBU and VI. Makes me wonder.

The greatest part is that as the staff of this company, I can use the gym facilities for absolutely free! They have so many types of different facilities; namely sauna, steam bath numerous types of group exercises and yogas and not forgetting dancing classes too! Since I've never been to a real gym before, I'm thrilled and excited as how it would be. I can't wait to go for their yoga session with Vaani this weekend. lalala.