Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

As I'm currently working for a fitness company, I get to attend free yoga classes. So I've tried few types of different yoga namely Sun saturation yoga, gentle yoga and Bikram Hot yoga and I have to admit that the last one was the one I enjoyed most. Heated in a room up til 40 Celsius, I'm already sweating profusely like a pig before the class has even begun! But I would somehow feel amazingly different after the class although I might get a little dizzy turning and twisting my body in the hot room. Well, the dizziness has lessen on the following classes which I think due to my body has gradually get used to the humid environment. Thumbs up to Bikram Hot Yoga *beams*

And I've watched New Moon. Ahhh. Carlisle can really make me swoon. *o*

p.s : Stubborn I may be, but I would not apologize for something which I think I'm right for, especially when my offence here is for speaking the truth. So there.

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